Wyndham School is a rural primary school based in the township of Wyndham. We are a contributing school (Year 1 to 6 students) of 110 to 140 students, and we are neighbours with Menzies College (Year 7 to 13).
We are incredibly supported by a fabulous Board, PTA and community, with great grounds, facilities and resources that provide a width and quality of education for our students.
Our vision is to Inspire Children to Want to Succeed and we work hard to support them to achieve in all aspects of their education and life. We wish you a wonderful warm Wyndham welcome!!
Learn about our school: uniform, school travel, the grounds, facilities, and the benefits they provide to our students.
Everyone at our school is given opportunity to learn and perform to the best of their ability. Get an insight to our classrooms and our teachings.
We embrace change and are willing to provide a curriculum that is future focused. Learn about our values and philosophy.